
The Electronic Add-on Pack is to expand on your Starter Robot Kit. There are 8 electronic modules in it. With this add-on pack and Starter Kit, you can create a lot of cool project. You can also implement several projects in Inventor Electronic Kit.


Part List:

1 x Me Light Sensor

1 x Me PIR Motion Sensor

1 x Me Temperature Sensor - Waterproof (DS18B20)

1 x Me RGB LED

1 x Me 7-Segment display - Red

1 x Me Joystick

1 x Me Potentionmeter

1 x Me RJ25 Adapter

2 x 6P6C RJ25 cable - 20cm

1 x 6P6C RJ25 cable - 35cm

10 x Socket Cap Screw M4x8 - Button Head

10 x Nut M4




       If you have any questions about this product or you need technical support, please post it in our forum.